

  • Next Design Receive internal processing events and add your own functionality.
  • By declaring the Next Design internal processing events to subscribe and associating an event handler with those events, you can execute your own processing in conjunction with the internal processing.

List of events that can be subscribed

Below is a list of events that you can subscribe to.

Please refer to Extension API Guide>Events for details of event parameters according to event type.


  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onAfterStart Event after application startup
    onBeforeQuit Pre-application event
  • Event parameters

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event


  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onAfterNew Event after new project creation
    onBeforeOpen Pre-project opening event
    onAfterOpen Event after project opening
    onBeforeSave Pre-project event
    onAfterSave Event after project save
    onBeforeClose Pre-project event
    onAfterClose Event after project close
    onBeforeReload Project pre-reload event
    onAfterReload Project reload event
  • Event parameter

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event


  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onBeforeNew Event before model addition
    onAfterNew Event after model addition
    onFieldChanged Event after field value change
    onBeforeDelete Before model deletion event
    onBeforeChangeOwner Model parent before change event
    onAfterChangeOwner Event after model parent change
    onBeforeChangeOrder Event before model order change
    onAfterChangeOrder After model order change event
    onBeforeNewRelation Pre-related events
    onAfterNewRelation Related post-add event
    onValidate Event at model validation
    onError Event when error is added
    onModelEdited Model Editing Event
    onUndoRedo Undo Redo Event
  • Event parameters

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event



  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onShow Editor display event
    onHide Editor Hidden Event
    onSelectionChanged Model selection event in editor
  • Event parameter

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event


  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onBeforeChange Before page change event
    onAfterChange After page change event
  • Event parameter

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event

  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onShow Navigator display event
    onHide Navigator Hidden Event
    onSelectionChanged Model Selection Event in Navigator
  • Event parameter

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event

Information window

  • Area name


  • event name

    Event name Description
    onShow Information window page display event
    onHide Information window page hidden event
    onSelectionChanged Information Window Page Display Element Selection Event
    onDoubleClick Information Window Page Display Element DoubleClick Event
  • Event parameter

    Reference: Extension API Guide> Event

Common events

  • Events that you do not subscribe to do not need to be included in the manifest.
  • If you define the same event more than once in the manifest, the corresponding event will be valid in the following order of priority.

    (1) Event for which the class name or target name is specified in the event filter value
    (2) Event for which the fully qualified name of the class is specified in the event filter value (only for the model event filter)
    (3) Event where the wildcard: * is specified in the event filter value or the event filter is omitted

    Furthermore, if you define multiple events within the same priority, the first defined event will be valid.

  • If an event is duplicated and the event handler describes an empty event in the high priority event definition, the event will be unsubscribed. (Example: "onAfterNew": "")

  • If multiple extensions subscribe to the same event, you cannot control the firing order of events between extensions. The firing order of events is the manifest loading order.
  • If you subscribe to the same event with multiple extensions and cancel that event with one of the extensions, the remaining extensions will not fire the event.

Event filter

  • For the model, you can filter the events to subscribe by specifying the class name (or the fully qualified name of the class) of the meta model as the value of the event filter.
  • For the editor, you can narrow down the events to subscribe by specifying the view definition name in the value of the event filter.
  • For the information window, you can filter the events to subscribe by specifying the page name as the value of the event filter.
  • By using this event filter mechanism to narrow down the subscribed events, it is possible to avoid unnecessary event handlers being called for unnecessary events and slowing down the response.

Model event filter

  • By specifying the class name in the meta model of the target model in the class property, you can subscribe to events only in the model of a specific class.
  • You can specify the fully qualified name of the class instead of the class name.
  • When targeting multiple classes, specify the class names separated by commas.
  • If you specify the wildcard: * for the value or omit the property, you can subscribe to the event common to all models.
  • You cannot specify the inheritance source class name. You must specify the model class name.

Editor event filter

  • By specifying the target view definition name in the viewDefinition property, you can subscribe to the event only in a specific view definition.
  • When multiple view definitions are targeted, specify the view definition names separated by commas.
  • By specifying the target navigator name in the navigator property, you can subscribe to events only in a specific navigator.
  • You can specify the following values for the target navigator name.
    • Model: Model navigator
    • ProductLine: Product line navigator
    • Scm: Configuration management navigator
    • Project: Project navigator
    • Profile: Profile navigator
  • If you specify the wildcard: * for the value or omit the property, you can subscribe to the event in all navigators.
  • When targeting multiple navigators, specify the navigator names separated by commas.

Event filter in info window

  • By specifying the target page name in the information property, you can subscribe to events only on a specific page.
  • The following values can be specified as the target page name.
    • Error: Error page
    • SearchResult: Search result page
    • Output: Output page
  • If you specify the wildcard: * for the value or omit the property, you can subscribe to the event on all pages.
  • When targeting multiple pages, specify page names separated by commas.

Event definition example

In the following example, the event that is not subscribed (event with empty event handler) is also described, but it is not actually necessary to describe.

  "name": "Manifest Test",
  "main": "main.cs",
  "lifecycle": "project",

        "onAfterStart": "",
        "onBeforeQuit": ""

        "onAfterNew": "",
        "onBeforeOpen": "",
        "onAfterOpen": "",
        "onBeforeSave": "ProjectOnBeforeSave",
        "onAfterSave": "",
        "onBeforeClose": "",
        "onAfterClosee": "",
        "onBeforeReload": "",
        "onAfterReload": ""

          "class": "*",
          "onBeforeNew": "",
          "onAfterNew": "AllModel_OnNew",
          "onFieldChanged": "",
          "onBeforeDelete": "",
          "onBeforeChangeOwner": "",
          "onAfterChangeOwner": "",
          "onBeforeChangeOrder": "",
          "onAfterChangeOrder": "",
          "onBeforeNewRelation": "",
          "onAfterNewRelation": "",
          "onValidate": "",
          "onError": "AllModel_OnError"
          "class": "UseCase",
          "onAfterNew": "UseCase_OnNew",
          "onFieldChanged": "UseCase_OnFieldChanged",
          "onBeforeDelete": "UseCase_OnBeforeDelete",
          "onValidate": "UseCase_OnValidate",
          "onError": ""
          "class": "AnalysisFunctionType,SoftwareFunctionType",
          "onAfterNew": "FunctionType_OnNew"

          "commandId": "myExtension.createBlock",
          "onBeforeExecute": "CommandOnBeforeCreateBlock",
          "onAfterExecute": ""
          "commandId": "myExtension.updateBlock",
          "onBeforeExecute": "",
          "onAfterExecute": "CommandOnAfterUpdateBlock"

          "viewDefinition": "*",
          "onShow": "",
          "onHide": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": ""
          "viewDefinition": "logicalFunctionDiagaram",
          "onShow": "",
          "onHide": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": ""
          "viewDefinition": "logicalFunctionDetailForm",
          "onShow": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": ""

        "onBeforeChange": "",
        "onAfterChange": ""

          "navigator": "Model",
          "onShow": "",
          "onHide": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": ""
          "navigator": "Profile",
          "onShow": "",
          "onHide": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": ""

          "information": "*",
          "onShow": "",
          "onHide": "",
          "onSelectionChanged": "",
          "onDoubleClick": ""

    "commands": [
        "id": "myExtension.createBlock",
        "execFunc": "createBlock"
        "id": "myExtension.updateBlock",
        "execFunc": "updateBlock"
        "id": "myExtension.generateCode",
        "execFunc": "generateCode"

Example of event handler implementation

public void ProjectOnBeforeSave(IEventContext context, IEventParams eventParams)
    var projectBeforeSaveEventParams = eventParams as ProjectBeforeSaveEventParams;
    if (( projectBeforeSaveEventParams != null) && (projectBeforeSaveEventParams.Project.Name == "temporary" ))
